Go from Struggle to Strength
You can change your life

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Think your problems are holding you back?
It isn’t your life that needs to change, it’s you…
All the books, courses, and coaches tell you how to feel great, make things happen, and get where you want to be when life is good – but what about when life hits the fan and leaves you to pick up the pieces?
What happens when you fail?
What happens when you lose your job, get sick, or have your dreams taken off the table in an instant?
That is life, that is what we have to work with.
Way too many people fixate on getting rid of the challenges in their life without recognizing the opportunities that come along with them. Without problems and challenges, what would inspire us to grow, to better ourselves?
Life gives us the challenges we need so that we can rise to them and grow in the process.
Think about the most influential person in your life. Did this person get to where they are, become the person that you see as having an impact in your life, without having problems, setbacks, and failures?
I am willing to bet that person would tell you that it was those same problems that they had to face that made them the person they are, the person that you admire.
Life isn’t about not having problems, it’s about facing them head-on so that you can have the best problems that you can!
Havoc Mindset builds success on the struggles. We teach you to dig in when things are hard because it is in those times of chaos, of challenge, that life hands us the biggest opportunities to grow. The Havoc Mindset is about embracing the chaos and challenges of life as the default and aiming to thrive in adversity. It’s about turning your struggles into your strength.
And guess what? When things are going well and you are swimming with the current, you become even more bulletproof. You don’t spend your life in fear of the danger lurking around the corner that could take it all away.
If you are ready to stop jumping from one thing to the next hoping to find answers, we have coaching and education that will put the power to create the life of your dreams in your hands now – not someday.
And if you don’t know what those dreams are, we can help you get clear on what you want and what to do to get it.
Schedule your free call right now and by the end of your call, you will have the answers you need to get started.
“Anyone would be blessed to have Shane as a coach. He won’t ever give up, but will also come down on you at the right times to keep you in check to achieve what you set out to.”
“The coaching program is not a list of “do these things and you can be like me,” it’s a proven process that gives you the tools to discover who YOU are, what holds YOU back, what YOUR passions are, and how to live YOUR best life.”
“..I truly don’t believe I am anywhere near the same person I was when I started this program, identifying these things and working through them have literally changed everything in my life..”

Shane Fichter
Co-founder & Coach

Scott Sery
Writer & Coach
Who we are
We connect people with their own unique purpose, find genuine fulfillment and use these to have a positive impact on their world through personal transformation.
Havoc Mindset empowers people to find their own purpose and chart their own path to get there. We teach tools and techniques that are built to work in the real world, not in a vacuum – because we have been there. You don’t need to get rid of all your problems or yourself to live a life of purpose and fulfillment. You need to connect with yourself, embrace the challenges, and use everything life has to offer to lead a life of growth and meaning.
You don’t have to watch your life slip through your fingers one day at a time wondering if there is something more for you. You don’t have to wonder if it is possible to stop living someone else’s dream and start living your own. You have the power to experience a life of meaning every day – to wake up excited for what life has to offer and grounded in knowing you are aligned with your true purpose.
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