mindset coach Shane Fichter

Mindset Speaker and Coach

Shane Fichter


Growing up in poverty, surrounded by drug and alcohol addiction, Shane felt trapped – he didn’t believe he had any choices for his life. With a history of incarceration and ongoing struggles with addiction, his early life seemed to be without hope. A major mindset shift, determination, and self-development enabled Shane to break the cycle. Today, he has transformed himself into a successful, million-dollar business owner and thriving entrepreneur. He continues to demonstrate how mindset can change your life.


  • Retired Professional MMA Fighter


  • Started and Sold 3 Successful Businesses


  • Co-Owner and Creator of DaKava House which blew past first-year expectations.


  • Founder of Havoc Mindset

Inspirational story

Self-Paced Courses

Raving Fans

Other Partners

Scott Sery ghostwriter Billings

Scott Sery

Scott Sery is a ghostwriter and speech writer. Shane hired Scott to write his autobiography, and brought Scott on to help develop Havoc Mindset and the inspirational and motivating talks Shane gives.

Tuni DaKava House Billings

Tuni Rafaele

Tuni has an incredible story of transformation. His dedication to people brought DaKava House to Billings, Montana where hundreds of individuals are motivated to live a clean lifestyle.

Why are you going to choose failure when success is an option?

– Jillian Michaels